This Article is From Nov 17, 2020

World Prematurity Day: Kangaroo Mother Care And Other Expert-Recommended Tips To Take Care Of Premature Baby At Home

World Prematurity Day 2020: Premature babies lack sufficient brown fat and this leads to poor thermoregulation in them. So, overheating or exposing them to cool air can both be detrimental for the baby- Dr Gorika Bansal.

World Prematurity Day: Kangaroo Mother Care And Other Expert-Recommended Tips To Take Care Of Premature Baby At Home

World Prematurity Day: There should not be any loose blankets on the baby


  • Bathe premature babies once in two days
  • Breastfeeding can help in increasing premature baby's weight
  • Maintaining body temperature of preemie is important

World Prematurity Day 2020 is observed on November 17. This day is meant to raise awareness about the challenges and burden of preterm birth at a global level. A premature birth is one which takes place more than three weeks before the baby's estimated due date. Premature birth is a baby being born before 37 weeks of gestation. Preemies or preterm babies, especially the ones that are born very early, may have several complications like breathing difficulties and temperature control problems.

World Prematurity Day 2020: Tips to take care of premature babies at home

Special care and attention is needed to take care of premature babies. We speak to paediatrician, newborn and child specialist Dr Gorika Bansal who shares several tips for home care of preemies. Here are some tips she recommended:

1. Kangaroo mother and father care

Kangaroo mother or father care is a method which involves infants being carried with skin-to-skin contact. "Touch is very soothing for the baby and for his/her weight gain. It helps them stay calmer and more secure," she says and adds that baby wearing can also be very helpful.

  • Kangaroo mother care can be done whenever the mother is breastfeeding.
  • Practice baby stimulation while breastfeeding the baby. Make eye contact with the baby. Sing and speak to the baby. "It will help in stimulation of their hearing and visual senses. Show them bright red coloured balls or some light stimulation. A rotating toy on top of the baby's crib helps in visual fixation in the baby. Always put the baby on its back, to sleep," suggests Dr Bansal.

Also read: 8 Reasons Why You Must Breastfeed Your Baby Within The First Hour Of Birth

2. Body temperature

It is important to maintain good body temperature in preemies. "Premature babies lack sufficient brown fat. Decreased subcutaneous fat and brown fat predisposes them to get hypothermia, that is become cold. Preemies have more permeable skin, larger surface area and poor metabolic stores like glucose. The fat is a source to generate heat. Preterm and low birth weight babies have scanty brown fat stores therefore lack temperature regulation .hence keeping them warm and well fed to maintain the glucose levels is of utmost concern. So, overheating or exposing them to cool air can both be detrimental for the baby," Dr Bansal explains.

  • A good way to decide is by seeing how many layers you are wearing, and adding one more layer of clothes to the baby.
  • Touch the hand and feet of the baby. See if the temperature of the hand and feet of the baby is similar to the temperature of the trunk. "If the hand and feet are colder, that means the baby is feeling cold and we need to clad the baby more," she adds.

3. No loose blankets or pillows

Preemies should be sleeping in their own cot or crib, preferably in the same room. "There should be not be any loose blankets, they should be snuggling the baby. No pillows please," Dr Bansal asserts. Also, kids should be laid on their backs, so that there is no doubt of the baby getting suffocated.

Also read: 7 Common Causes For Preterm Labour Every Woman Should Know

4. Preemies need to be fed more frequently

Premature babies have low birth weight. Breastfeeding is the best way to go about it. As time passes, the milk constitution and consistency also keeps changing with the change in the baby's weight. "Formula milk for babies less than 2.5 kgs is different. Once the babies weigh more than 2.5 kgs, they can then be served normal mature formula milk," she says.


Breastfeeding can be helpful for premature babies
Photo Credit: iStock

5. Premature babies have weaker immune system

Immunity of preemies is weaker than other babies. With the COVID-19 pandemic going on, it is important that babies do not have a lot of visitors, at least till two months of age.

  • Parents should ensure that they wash their hands whenever they are handling the baby.
  • Their cribs should be sanitised.

6. Take care of indoor air pollution

  • No one should be smoking around kids.
  • Control indoor air pollution. Install an air purifier, especially if you have a premature baby at home. "A baby's breathing rate is much higher, as compared to adult breathing rate. Their lungs are very fragile. Indoor plants and air purifiers can be beneficial for the health of the baby," says Dr Bansal.
  • Baby's room should be well-ventilated. This can be done preferably around 2 pm to 5 pm, on a good sunny day. This can take care of the indoor air pollution as well.
  • Do not use mosquito repellents as they contribute to indoor air pollution.

Also read: Here's Why Pregnant Women Must Eat Fish; Other Sources Of Omega 3 Fatty Acids

7. Tips for other kids in the house

If there's any other child in the house, with a cough or cold, they should not come near the baby. They should also wear a mask regularly and wash their hands with soap and water.

8. Do not bathe preemies every day

"You can bathe preemies once in two days, in lukewarm water. Preferably, sponge them till they weigh around 2.5 kgs. Avoid applying talcum powders and lotions which are highly scented," says Dr Bansal.

(Dr Gorika Bansal, Paediatrician and Neonatologist, MBBS DCH (gold medallist) DNB)

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