Have you noticed a darker skin tone around your neck? You aren't alone. This dark or black neck condition is common among people from different age groups. Although it's not something harmful, it may often hamper your confidence or self-esteem. No need to fret about it. Instead, you can find ways to solve this skin problem. Recently, dermatologist Dr Jaishree Sharad discussed the causes of dark skin around the neck. Her Instagram video also dealt with some solutions for the problem. She listed the main reasons and stated tips that can help you out.
Dr Jaishree Sharad shared the following causes of dark skin around the neck:
Genetics: Genetics may have a role to play when it comes to dark neck problems. This may be something that is hereditary and gets passed on from parents to offspring.
Obesity: Mostly, people who are obese end up facing this problem. Beware. Obesity may be one of the reasons that the skin around your neck is turning dark.
Insulin resistance: Insulin resistance could be causing your neck to turn dark. Therefore, it's good to keep your blood sugar level in check.
PCOS: Today, several women face PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome). It's a common disorder and the body undergoes hormonal changes during this time, which may lead to darkening of the skin in the neck region.
Diabetes: Diabetes could result in dark patches on your skin including the neck.
Hypothyroidism: Hypothyroidism is the condition wherein the thyroid gland doesn't produce enough thyroid hormone.
Allergies to perfumes or hair dyes: If you are someone who overuses perfumes or hair dyes and is facing the issue, you need to rethink.
Conditions like lichen planus pigmentosus: This condition may cause your neck region to get darker.
Here are the possible treatment processes:
1) Lose weight
Losing weight can go a long way in helping you to deal with the issue further.
2) BMI
Maintain your BMI (body mass index), based on your height and weight. This will ensure that you are not obese.
3) Keep the neck clean
This is the first and foremost requirement. You must always keep your neck clean just like your other body parts.
4) Do not over-exfoliate
Yes, exfoliation has its own set of benefits but overdoing it may even cause harm to your skin.
5) Get your hormones checked
Getting your hormones checked will help you know more about the state of your body and help you diagnose the right problems.
6) Treat the underlying condition
Treating the underlying condition by consulting a professional may help you out.
7) Use lactic acid-based creams or lotions
Use lactic acid-based creams and lotions to take extra care of the neck region.
8) Avoid spraying perfumes on the skin
Spraying perfumes directly on the skin may have an adverse reaction on the skin.
9) Do not rub your skin
It is advisable to not rub your skin unnecessarily.
10) Do not forget your sunscreen
Give your skin the kind of protection it deserves. Apply sunscreen regularly so that you can save yourself from harmful sun exposure.
Take a look at a detailed note by Dr Jaishree:
Dark neck is a common problem but with these solutions, you should be able to deal with it better.
Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.