This Article is From Sep 22, 2023

Yoga Asanas To Help Boost Mental Strength

In this article, we share yoga asanas you can perform to help boost your mental strength.

Yoga Asanas To Help Boost Mental Strength

Vrikshasana improves balance and enhances mental strength

Mental strength refers to the ability to effectively cope with challenges, stress, and adversity, while maintaining a positive and resilient mindset. Yoga can indeed boost mental strength by promoting relaxation, mindfulness, and self-awareness. Read on as we share yoga asanas you can perform to help boost your mental strength.

Yoga asanas that can help boost mental strength:

1. Tadasana

  • Stand straight with your legs at the same distance as your shoulders
  • Lift your hands toward the ceiling
  • Open your palms and stretch as far up as possible
  • At this point, join your hands and entangle them forcing your palms to face the ceiling
  • You are encouraged to look upwards
  • Hold this stretch for 10 seconds and repeat 3-5 times

2. Vrikshasana

  • Stand straight
  • Raise your arms the hold them straight toward the ceiling
  • Now lift either one of your legs and place your feet on the other thigh
  • You can rest your right foot on the left knee on the side or anywhere from that to the thigh
  • Ideally, your foot should be as far up on your thigh as it can get
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds and repeat 4-5 times minimum

3. Adho Mukha Svanasana

  • Lay flat on the ground facing the floor
  • Slowly lift your torso and form a mountain-like structure with your body
  • Your palms need to be farther apart and reaching outwards (in comparison to your shoulders)
  • On the other hand, your feet need to be placed next to each other
  • At this point, the only body parts touching the ground should be your palms and feet
  • Your face needs to be facing inwards and downwards, at the same angle as the arms
  • Your body must form a triangle (your hands, hips, and feet being the corners)
  • Hold this position for a few seconds and repeat 10 times at least

4. Paschimottanasana 

  • Sit straight in your legs straight in front of you
  • In this position, your feet's soles should be facing front
  • Slowly bring your torso closer to your legs and as far as possible
  • You can use your hands to hold your feet, this may increase how far you can reach
  • In this position, your stomach and chest are supposed to be touching your thighs
  • Your face can be facing the front or towards the legs, whichever may be comfortable
  • Hold this position for 10-20 seconds and sit back up
  • You can repeat it a few times based on your convenience

5. Sirsasana

  • Kneel down and grip onto your elbows
  • After that, lower the arms to the floor directly beneath the shoulders
  • Maintaining the position of the elbows, bring your hands together and interlace your fingers to create a triangle with your arms
  • Keep your elbows from flaring out
  • With the hands clasped behind the head, place it on the ground
  • Straighten your knees, point your hips upward, and curl your toes
  • Approaching your shoulders is the first step
  • The right knee should be brought into your chest, followed by the opposite knee
  • Your back will become straight as a result
  • Lift your legs to the heavens as you take a breath
  • While maintaining your feet a little in front of you, straighten your legs upward
  • Bring your attention to a stable point, ideally one that is at eye level
  • Take slow, smooth breaths and maintain the position for however long is comfortable

6. Ustrasana

  • Sit while resting on your calves and knees
  • Your thighs should not be touching your calves
  • Now slowly place your hands on your ankle
  • At this point, your face should be facing the ceiling
  • Hold this position for 10-20 seconds and repeat for 3-5 minutes

Remember, it's important to practice yoga mindfully, focusing on your breath and listening to your body. If you're new to yoga or have any health concerns, it's advisable to consult with a qualified yoga instructor or healthcare professional before starting a new practice.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.
