This Article is From May 21, 2015

Chilling CCTV Footage of Hyderabad ATM Shows Her Being Ordered to Crouch

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Hyderabad: Chilling images of a woman confronted by a man at an ATM where he shot a bullet at a wall before escaping with her jewellery and ATM card has been released by the Hyderabad police, which has not located the attacker a day later.

The images show the man with his face partly covered to hide his identity standing with the woman, 25-year-old Srilatha, who works at a call centre. He appears to be issuing her instructions, examines her ATM card and a receipt that he pulls out from the machine, looks into her bag, and then appears to order her to crouch on the ground before he leaves. The police says that for the version released to the media, it has edited out the footage of him firing the gun and taking the woman's earrings and chain.

CCTV footage shows man with face partly covered, inside ATM, confronting the 25-year old call centre employee

Srilatha had stopped at a State Bank of India ATM in Yousufguda on Wednesday morning when the man accosted her and demanded cash. He told her he would not harm her if she followed his instructions. When she did not, he fired at the wall with a country-made pistol, got her to share her PIN, and left with her mobile phone, jewellery and bank card. Within less than an hour, he withdrew Rs 2,500 at a different ATM using her card and the PIN number she had shared.

The police says it is using the location of the ATM he used as well as the CCTV footage to try and find the man. They are also hoping that he will switch on Srilatha's mobile phone and that could give some clues about his location as well.