At least 20 top schools in Hyderabad have been informed that their students, some as young as 13, are buying and using drugs including LSD. Parents of the students involved are also being informed of the worrying new trend, said government officials. Seven drug dealers arrested in the last 48 hours have revealed crucial information about their young clients to the police.
They said they sold LSD, seeped into blotting paper strips, and MDMA or "Molly", a popular variant of party drug Ecstasy to students ranging from Class 8 to junior college.
"School and college students starting as young as 8th class and going up to college. In just two days, the list is beyond 1,000 already. There are also people from the entertainment industry, MNCs. There is a lot of data to map further,'' Dr Akun Sabharwal, Director of Excise Enforcement in Telangana, told NDTV.
A strip of "LSD blot" was sold for an average price of Rs 3,000.
The dealers are well-educated and some of them are employed with top companies, said officials. Six of the seven arrested are engineering graduates.
They said they sold LSD, seeped into blotting paper strips, and MDMA or "Molly", a popular variant of party drug Ecstasy to students ranging from Class 8 to junior college.
Government officials have reviewed the chats that the drug dealers had with students on their phones. One young woman said on WhatsApp, "I liked the drug. It gave me a nearly 12-hour high. I want more, can u arrange?" She was referring to LSD.
"School and college students starting as young as 8th class and going up to college. In just two days, the list is beyond 1,000 already. There are also people from the entertainment industry, MNCs. There is a lot of data to map further,'' Dr Akun Sabharwal, Director of Excise Enforcement in Telangana, told NDTV.
"We will not be initiating legal action against the minors. We are not revealing the names of the students even to the schools, keeping that confidential. But we want the parents and teachers to identify erratic behaviour signs and convince them to take them for therapy,'' he said.
A strip of "LSD blot" was sold for an average price of Rs 3,000.
The dealers are well-educated and some of them are employed with top companies, said officials. Six of the seven arrested are engineering graduates.