IKEA India on Wednesday said it has stopped selling vegetable biryani and samosa in its 1,000 seater restaurant located at its store in Hyderabad, days after a customer allegedly found a worm in the food served to him.
In an embarrassment for the recently opened IKEA store, a man allegedly found the worm in the vegetable biryani served to him, prompting the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) to issue a notice to the firm on August 31.
"IKEA India has voluntarily stopped sales of two of its most appreciated products - vegetarian biryani and samosa, sourced locally in India. IKEA follows strong internal processes to secure quality and takes full responsibility for its supply chain. IKEA India has initiated an internal review in order to take any corrective actions as needed," the company said in a statement.
The Swedish furniture maker said it takes food safety and quality very seriously and customer health is always a priority.
During the first month of operation, IKEA India has received a very positive response from customers for the food at the IKEA store, it said.
IKEA India will resume sales of the two products after it has secured the review process, the company said.
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