This Article is From Nov 02, 2016

In Photos With Hyderabad Cops, Man They Had Arrested On Child Abuse Charges

Murali Krishna (circled) is accused of sexually assaulting at least six underage girls.

Hyderabad: A man accused of criminally intimidating and sexually assaulting at least six minor girls in a Hyderabad locality, has been spotted in photographs posing with policemen at the very police station where he was arrested a few months ago.

In more photos from the police function on October 21, the man, Murali Krishna, is also amid school children at a rally organised by the local police.

Murali Krishna was arrested in June under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences or POCSO Act, sexual assault and for criminal intimidation. He was later let off on bail, reportedly within 22 days. The police said many of those allegedly assaulted by Murali Krishna, who owns and runs three auto rickshaws, were unwilling to depose in court fearing "social stigma."

Ranga Swamy, a police inspector who is in the photos with Murli Krishna, told NDTV that he did not recall the man at the police function. "If at all he was there, it was a mistake. We will be more careful," he said.

Murali Krishna was arrested in June and let off a few days later.

In the photo, Murali Krishna alias Kittu is right behind the inspector and on his left grinning widely is Venkataiah, the sub-inspector who investigated the case and carried out the arrest.

Child rights activists are furious saying this will make the community lose confidence in the police's ability to ensure justice. Cases under Pocso, said activist Achyut Rao, need much more sensitive handling than other cases as they deal with children and parents are unwilling to put them through police proceedings.

Only one police case was filed against Murali Krishna, despite several families alleging to NDTV that he had assaulted young girls, some of them minor.

Activists said with POCSO charges rarely pressed, it is unfathomable how the police failed to detect a man accused of sexually assaulting children on their premises.