One bull-tamer was killed in the season's first event in Tamil Nadu's Madurai, while 15 others suffered severe injuries. For the event in Avaniyapuram, 1,100 bulls and 800 bull tamers were registered.
Up for grabs is a tractor worth Rs 11 lakh for the owner of the best-performing bull, and a car costing Rs 8 lakh for the top player. To ensure the safety of spectators, double barricading was installed in the event area. Further, bull-tamers are being let into the arena in batches. Amid concerns of torture of the bulls - pulling them by the tail, squeezing lemon in their eyes and intoxicating them - several measures have been put in place to ensure their safety, including having them inspected by veterinarian doctors.
Security has been heightened with the deployment of 1,500 police personnel. As per directives, each bull can participate in only one of three competitions in the district. Only the owner of a bull is allowed to accompany it, along with a trainer familiar with the animal.
The first bull-taming event of the year in Tamil Nadu was held at Thachankurichi village in Pudukottai district on Saturday. However, Madurai events, especially those held in Alanganallur, are internationally recognised for their vibrant celebration of Tamil heritage, culture, and rural valour. On Wednesday and Thursday, the Palamedu bull-taming and world famous Alanganallur bull-taming events will be held.
Pudukottai district is notable for having the highest number of vadivasals (entry points for bulls) and hosting the most events in the state.