A BJP leader has accused the police in Uttar Pradesh's Shamli town of attempting to kill him after a Special Operation Group (SOG) team opened fire at his car last night, injuring one person. He alleged that the cops, who also tortured him under custody overnight, had received money to carry out the killing. Senior officials said a probe has been ordered into the events.
Ashwani Pawar, a BJP leader and a native of Ailum kasbah of Shamli district, was driving with some people when his car was fired upon by an SOG team on the Delhi-Saharanpur Road. CCTV footage shows the car slowing down and halting in the middle of the road, followed by police personnel in civilian clothes approaching the vehicle and surrounding it. Moments later, the car is seen speeding away. SOGs are district-level teams of the UP police formed to handle high-profile crimes.
कल रात ऐलम के पास जैसी चेकिंग की गई थी , वैसी मत करना ,
— Satyajeet Panwar | सत्यजीत पंवार (@SatyajeetIN) April 7, 2021
बीजेपी @bjp4up नेताओं पर ही @PoliceShamli पुलिस गोली चला दी रही है ?
ऐसी भी क्या चैकिंग ?? pic.twitter.com/QZXMLRrrAd
"My kids insisted on having food at a restaurant, so we went out. After leaving a petrol pump where I had filled up petrol, I realised that the card-swiping machine was still on the roof of the car. So I stopped and called out to the petrol pump attendant," Mr Pawar told reporters.
"Just then I saw the SOG officers carrying pistols coming towards my car. They started firing. I quickly sped away. By then they had fired 10-15 rounds."
Manish Kumar, one of the four travelling with Mr Pawar in the car, was injured in the shooting, while three bullets got lodged in the vehicle.
Mr Pawar has alleged that the cops later arrived at his residence and, under the orders of the SOG's commanding officer Jitendra Singh, took him away to the police station where he was tortured through the night. They also threatened to slap with fake cases.
"By morning, my supporters arrived in huge numbers and that's how I escaped," Mr Pawar said. "They (police) took money from my rivals and conspired to kill me."
The BJP leader has sought a probe into the matter.
"The charges are serious. We are taking all facts into consideration and depending on what comes out after the probe, we will take action," said Sukirti Madhav, Shamli Superintendent of Police, referring to the incident.
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