This Article is From Mar 05, 2012

10 surfers describe today's earthquake

New Delhi: An earthquake measuring 4.9 on the Richter scale took place in North India this afternoon.  Because the epicenter was just 55 kms from Delhi, strong tremors were felt in the capital.  Here are 10 accounts of what people felt (some comments have been shortened):

1. Yes, i felt the earth quake tremor at Safdarjung Airport Delhi, While sitting in office chair, there felt a sudden swing and immediately came out.
- Rais Ahmed

2. I was talking over phone wid my friend in other part of delhi...we felt it and he screemed...Its earth quake...ruuuuunnnnnnnnnn
- Mahesh Chandra

3. I parked my car in Kotla-mubarakpur outside my office & was about to come out when I felt strong tremors for abt 15 sec. Initially I thought that somebody was shaking my car...then I realized it was an Earth-quake.
 - Surinder Singh

4. I was on 14th floor in my office, DLF cyber city. Me and  my other female colleagues first reaction to enquiry about our kids who are on way back from school or in daycare to know that they are safe.
- Neelam Bist

5. My office is in SEZ Dundahera, Gurgaon and while having lunch we felt the tremors for good 7-10 seconds. ...offices were evacuated and people rushed out to open areas.
- Harsh

6. Have just returned from site, I was sitting in my office when suddenly I felt my table shaking and felt some vibrations below my feet. Thinking it must be some heavy material unloading in the building, I tried to divert my mind, but observing the vibrations with same frequency made me believe it was an earthquake when I shouted and alerted everyone around to run out to safety in open space.
- Piyush Jain

7. It was shocking, felt it near India Gate.. no harm happened around !! Now I wonder why the Disaster Management Authority was publishing so many ads on FM and training operatons since past couple of months.
- Arunim

8. We felt the tremors here in my office at Delhi. I hope this is a wakeup call for Delhi Govt and it acts against illegal constructions in the city, otherwise a quake of little more intensity may prove disastrous.
- Sayed Salahuddin

9. We were in our office in Sector 47, Sohna Road, Gurgaon, and we all ran out of office as "It felt stronger here compared to recent tremors" Thank God, there is no casualities reported.
- PK Benny

10. I worked in Sonepat, at 1.11 p.m we felt the shock of the earth quake for 6-7 sec and quickly vacate our office places. The cell network also not working for a little bit, No hurm or causalties is here.
- Alok Ranjan Sinha