A beaming centenarian has given yet another reason to the Kerala government to brag about its famed literacy endeavors. Vasudevan Sivankutty, Kerala's Education Minister, on Friday posted a picture of 104-year-old Kuttiyamma on social media to wish her the best after she scored well in an exam conducted by the state government's continuing education initiative.
"104-year-old Kuttiyamma from Kottayam has scored 89/100 in the Kerala State Literacy Mission's test. Age is no barrier to enter the world of knowledge. With utmost respect and love, I wish Kuttiyamma and all other new learners the best," he tweeted, along with the picture of a visibly ecstatic Kuttiyamma.
The Kerala State Literacy Mission Authority is funded by the state government and aims to promote literacy, continuing education and lifelong learning for all citizens. Currently, it provides equivalency programs for 4th, 7th, 10th, 11th and 12th standards.