An 11-year-old boy was allegedly beaten and forced to chant religious slogans in a disturbing incident in Madhya Pradesh's Indore. The accused, also minors, allegedly forced the victim to take off his clothes and made him chant religious slogans and recorded the incident on video. The police have registered a case against the accused for serious offences, including kidnapping.
The incident took place in the Nipania area of Indore, which falls under the jurisdiction of the Lasudia police station. According to the victim's statement, he was playing near Star Square when the accused approached him and told him that toys were being distributed near Best Price on the bypass.
On the pretext of getting toys, the accused took the boy near Mahalaxmi Nagar and forced him to chant religious slogans. They also allegedly beat him and made him take off his clothes. The victim managed to escape and informed his family, who then filed a complaint with the police.
The police have launched an investigation into the incident and have registered a case against the accused for kidnapping, voluntarily causing hurt, and criminal intimidation.
The incident has sparked outrage, with many calling for swift justice for the victim. In a statement, the police said they have detained the accused. They requested people not to share the video of the incident on social media.