Indian Administrative Services (IAS) officer Awanish Sharan lauded the film 12th Fail by Vidhu Vinod Chopra in a post on social media platform X (formerly Twitter) on Sunday. The film, which stars Vikrant Massey as Manoj Kumar, portrays the challenges Mr Kumar faced on his journey to becoming an IPS officer.
Mr Sharan's post on X included praise for the film, sharing an emotional scene from the movie where Mr Massey's character realises he had cracked the interview and cleared UPSC on his last attempt. This makes way for a powerful and emotional moment shared with Manoj's friends and his girlfriend, played by Medha Shankar.
Ms Sharan's caption read, "This is not just your is the result of the struggles of all those who, despite all the adverse circumstances, are able to muster the courage to appear in the UPSC exam."
Vikrant Massey acknowledged the post, reacting with a prayer emoji and a red heart emoji, to which the IAS officer appreciated him, saying, "Amazing work Brother."
12th Fail, which hit theatres on October 27, 2023, exceeded expectations, earning critical acclaim and becoming a sleeper hit. With a modest Rs 20 crore budget, the Vikrant Massey starrer movie has grossed over Rs 66 crore globally.
The film's success lies in its simple yet powerful narrative, resonating with the human ability to persevere in the face of repeated failures. Adapted from Anurag Pathak's bestseller, it follows Manoj Kumar's journey of cracking the UPSC exams. Despite facing competition from major releases, the film's success reinforced a significant message that quality content prevails.
12th Fail has also recently claimed the top spot among the highest-rated films of 2023, even outshining international contenders. With an impressive IMDb rating of 9.2 out of 10, the film has secured its place in the All-Time IMDb Top 250 Films of Indian Cinema.
It leads over significant movies like Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, Oppenheimer, and Godzilla Minus One. The film has also earned a spot in the top 10 of LetterBoxD's 2023 Year In Review, ranking tenth among the Highest-Rated Dramas.