This Article is From Oct 16, 2012

13,000-page chargesheet against 26/11 handler Abu Jundal filed

13,000-page chargesheet against 26/11 handler Abu Jundal filed
Mumbai: The Mumbai crime branch has filed the chargesheet in Mumbai's esplanade court against alleged 26/11 handler Zabiuddin Ansari alias Abu Jundal. The chargesheet runs over 13,000 pages and consists of 56 volumes. With this, Abu Jundal becomes the first alleged handler of the attack to be chargesheeted.

Jundal, along with Lashkar chief Zaki-ur Rehman Lakhvi and other accused, was allegedly present in the Karachi-based "control room", monitoring the terror strike. The police claims, Jundal is one of the six 26/11 handlers and taught Hindi to the ten terrorists who took a boat from Pakistan to Mumbai to execute the attack. They say he also familiarised them with the landscape of the city. The three-day-long terror attack had claimed 166 lives.

The supplementary chargesheet filed today includes details of his role in hatching the deadly plot. The chargesheet also includes the confrontation between Kasab, who is the lone surviving terrorist in the 26/11 case, and Jundal. According to police sources, Kasab identified Jundal as a handler and Jundal identified Kasab as one of the ten men who was deputed to execute the plan that had been engineered by Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, Jamaat-ud-Dawa head Hafiz Saeed, and others.

Jundal was deported from Saudi Arabia where he was hiding in June and was arrested upon his arrival at the Indira Gandhi International airport in Delhi.
