Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot has written to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, saying the stock of coronavirus vaccine in the state will finish in next two days and urged him to immediately provide at least 30 lakh doses.
In a letter to the PM after a video conference with him on Thursday, Mr Gehlot said the state aimed at vaccinating five lakh people every day and has administered 86,89,770 doses from January 16 to April 7.
"We have already planned to increase the pace of vaccination to five lakh beneficiaries per day through a collaborative approach and effective mobilisation of beneficiaries, " Mr Gehlot said.
"The present stock of vaccine in Rajasthan will finish in next two days. Therefore, it is requested that at least another 30 lakh doses of vaccine be provided to us immediately so that the momentum that we have built up can be maintained and maximum eligible beneficiaries can be vaccinated at the earliest," he said.
"I want to assure you that we will leave no stone unturned in our efforts to control COVID-19," he added.