Janata Dal-United (JDU) chief Nitish Kumar took oath for the ninth time as Bihar Chief Minister yesterday, marking a seismic shift in alliances. The once 'Mahagathbandhan' architect severed ties with the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) and Congress, forming a coalition with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). The swearing-in ceremony at Raj Bhavan witnessed the initiation of a revamped team, with key players including Samrat Choudhary, Vijay Kumar Sinha, and others, setting the stage for a political renaissance in Bihar.
At the heart of this transition is Samrat Choudhary, the newly appointed Deputy Chief Minister and BJP state President. Mr Choudhary has been a prominent figure in Bihar politics, adorned with a turban that he once vowed to discard only after his party comes to power in the state. The 54-year-old assumed the state BJP chief role in March last year and has a political journey that weaves through multiple parties, including the RJD and the JDU.
Mr Choudhary, an OBC leader from the Koeri community, has previously held positions as Minister for Urban Development and Housing, Health, and Minister of Metrology and Horticulture.
On the other hand, Vijay Kumar Sinha, 64, belongs to the influential, upper caste Bhumihar community.
Born to a school teacher in Lakhisarai district, Mr Sinha's political journey began with his involvement in the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad, the student wing of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), during his civil engineering days at a polytechnic in Barauni.
Mr Sinha's initiation into electoral politics took place in 2010 when he made his debut in the Bihar Assembly. Seven years later, he was appointed as the Minister of Labour Resources.
In 2020, he became Speaker of the Bihar Assembly. His tenure as the Speaker was marked by instances such as Nitish Kumar's outburst on the floor of the House and a tense episode where he was held hostage inside his chamber by members of the RJD in 2021.
The deputy chief ministerial duo of Mr Choudhary and Mr Sinha highlights a calculated move by the BJP to balance caste considerations. This strategic pairing aims to appease OBCs while retaining the support of the core upper caste base.
The broader cabinet comprises leaders like Prem Kumar, Vijay Kumar Chaudhary, Vijendra Yadav, Santosh Kumar Suman, Shravan Kumar, and Independent MLA Sumit Kumar Singh.
JDU's Shravan Kumar belongs to the Kurmi community, the same as Nitish Kumar. According to the recent Bihar caste survey, Kurmis constitute 2.8 per cent of the total population.
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