The Jammu and Kashmir police have launched a search operation in Jammu for two policemen who were allegedly involved in a gang-war in Jammu on Friday. The policemen, sources say, "illegally" used their service gun "to kill" two people during the gang war. A special investigation team or SIT has been constituted to probe the incident, a senior police officer told NDTV.
The two men were part of a group of four persons who were chased by a rival group which included the two policemen, in Arnia area of Jammu yesterday. The policemen, sources say, opened fire at the group - which was travelling in an SUV - with their service weapon and killed the two men. Two others were injured in the firing, they added.
A police uniform was seen inside the vehicle, officials said. A hockey and machete were also found at the scene of the crime, a police official said.
The incident is said to be one of "rare" occurrences when policemen are accused of being part of gang war in Jammu and also allegedly using their service weapons in the process.
"We will get them soon. One of the accused policeman was already suspended," Jammu district police chief SSP Chandan Kohli said.
The dead have been identified as Sabir Chowdhary and Arif Chowdhary.
Mukesh Singh, Additional Director General of Police Jammu said that one of those killed was a drug addict who had several cases registered against his name.
"It looks like a case of rivalry but everything will be known once the accused are arrested" said Mr Singh.
Official sources say the accused cops Bupinder Singh and Sudique were posted at a Reserve battalion of police in Jammu.
The use of service weapons in heinous crimes and gang war is posing a serious challenge to the security situation.