Two wanted associates of notorious Lawrence Bishnoi gang were arrested in Dholpur district of Rajasthan, police said on Thursday. Superintendent of Police Narayan Togas said police arrested Sandeep Jat and Dinesh Yadav, both residents of Haryana, in a raid in Diholi area after receiving intelligence inputs about some armed anti-social elements hiding there.
The two criminals carried a cash reward of Rs 15,000 each announced by Haryana Police, he said.
Preliminary investigation reveals that the accused are the members of Lawrence Bishnoi gang and were absconding after committing a double murder in Gurgaon.
Two illegal firearms and four live cartridges were recovered from their possession, police said.
According to police, both gangsters were forced to hide in ravines of Dholpur after the police heat mounted in Haryana and Punjab in the wake of the murder of singer Sidhu Moosewala.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)