New Rs 200 notes will be launched today, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) announced today in a press release days after introducing new fluorescent blue Rs 50 banknotes. This is the fourth new note to be announced since November, when Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced an overnight ban on Rs. 1,000 and Rs. 500 notes to choke tax evaders. The government says the Rs 200 notes will inject more low denomination currency in the system.
Here are some features of the new Rs 200 note:
The new 200 rupees notes are of the size 66 mm x 146 mm.
The base colour of the new note is bright yellow.
After a new policy on theme-based currency, the 200-rupee notes have a motif of the Sanchi Stupa monument, depicting India's cultural heritage, besides the Ashoka Pillar emblem.
The notes have a portrait of Mahatma Gandhi at the centre with Rs 200 inscribed on the note in colour-changing ink.
There is a security thread with inscriptions 'Bharat' and RBI. The colour of the thread changes from green to blue when the note is tilted.
For the visually-impaired, the Mahatma Gandhi portrait and Ashoka Pillar emblem are raised, besides other special features.
The new notes also have a logo of Swachh Bharat or Prime Minister Narendra Modi's "Clean India" campaign.
The plan for Rs 200 notes for the first time in history was cleared by the Finance Ministry; the design has reportedly been approved by the Prime Minister's Office.
Earlier, new Rs. 2,000 and Rs. 500 notes were introduced to ease the cash crunch faced by millions across the country.
The Rs 200 notes will resolve problems people face because of the high-value Rs 2,000, the government says.