Ahead of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections this year, preparations are in full swing for the two-day national convention of the Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) Kisan Morcha beginning in Gorakhpur from today. It will be inaugurated by BJP chief Amit Shah, while union home minister Rajnath Singh will preside over the valedictory function tomorrow. Prime Minister Narendra Modi too will address the farmers' rally tomorrow (Sunday).
Amit Shah also addressed the 'Sahkari Sammelan' in Lucknow today.
Meanwhile, Congress chief Rahul Gandhi interacted with university students from New Delhi today.
Here are the Live Updates from 2019 election campaigning:
CP @RahulGandhi greets students who've come to interact with him at Jawaharlal Nehru indoor auditorium in Delhi. #YoungIndiaRising pic.twitter.com/pjbrxAWSxP
- Congress (@INCIndia) February 23, 2019