Prime Minister Narendra Modi began his mega roadshow today in Varanasi, the Uttar Pradesh temple town from where he will contest for the second time. In a saffron kurta and scarf, the Prime Minister waved at thousands of people on the roads cheering for him from the sunroof of his SUV. PM Modi arrived in Varanasi today for a two-day trip to his Lok Sabha constituency, which will culminate with the Prime Minister filing his election papers from the seat tomorrow. PM Modi is leading a roadshow starting from the gates of the Banaras Hindu University, passing through ancient temples and ghats.
Seventy one constituencies, spread over nine states, will go to polls in the fourth phase on Monday.
Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi was on a tour of the Bundelkhand region where the SP-BSP-RLD combine is taking on the BJP, which holds all the 19 assembly and four Lok Sabha seats. She led a road show in Jhansi city and a public meeting in Gursarai and another road show in Orai.
Here are the LIVE updates from Lok Sabha election campaigning:
PM Narendra Modi offers prayers at Dashashwamedh Ghat in Varanasi
- ANI UP (@ANINewsUP) April 25, 2019