As campaigning by political parties for the first phase of April 11 Lok Sabha polls comes to an end today, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will launch his first rally in Karnataka at Chitradurga followed by another at Mysuru in the evening. PM Modi and Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray shared the stage at a rally in Maharashtra for the first time after the tie-up of their parties for the upcoming Lok Sabha polls. The two leaders addressed a public gathering at Ausa in Latur in support of the alliance candidates in that district and Osmanabad, where polling will be held on April 18.
In the first phase of polling on April 11, a total of 91 parliamentary constituencies spread across 20 states will go to polls.
Meanwhile, Congress chief Rahul Gandhi is scheduled to campaign in Assam and Bihar today. CPI candidate Kanhaiya Kumar is expected to file his nomination from Bihar's Begusarai.
Here are the live updates from Lok Sabha election campaigning:
Dear PM,
- Rahul Gandhi (@RahulGandhi) April 9, 2019
Scared of debating me on corruption? I can make it easier for you.
Let's go open book, so you can prepare:
1. RAFALE+Anil Ambani
2. Nirav Modi
3. Amit Shah+Demonetisation #Scared2Debate
- I have travelled across India and I see huge support for PM Modi. The people of India have decided to make Modiji PM again.
- Congress and KCR party both are dynastic parties. It's quite clear who is going to head KCR's party after him.
- PM Modi's government believes in giving befitting reply to the enemies who dares to kill our soldiers. We don't engage in peaceful talks with such countries.
- UPA govt only gave Rs 16,500 crore to Telangana. But BJP led UPA govt gave whopping Rs 2.45 lakh crore for the development of Telangana.
- In our manifesto, we have promised to implement NRC in the entire country. Therefore, we will remove infiltrators from the country if we again form government at the Centre.
- They (opposition) are abusing me by saying that India did not down the Pakistan Air Force F-16 fighter jet. If any lies are spread around the world, they grab the opportunity to spread it. How much proof do they want?
- The day we carried out an air strike, the next day Pakistan spokesman said they had shot down two aircraft of India. They said they caught two pilots of India. And that evening itself, Pakistan clarified that they had shot own only one aircraft and only one pilot was in their custody. So what happened to the other pilot and the other jet? Even a small kid would understand this.
- There are people who do not believe in their own security forces. It is important to punish such people.
- For their vote-banks, they (Opposition) have disregarded the country's national security
- We will not sit quietly while terrorists get a free hand. India will go in and eliminate terrorists. That is the mantra of New India. We are determined to finish the menace of terrorism.
- Congress and their friends have an anti-national thinking and attitude. The language that Congress speaks is the same language that Pakistan also speaks.
- If the Congress would have stood its ground in 1047, then Pakistan would not even have been born.
- Congress says Article 370 will not be removed from Jammu and Kashmir. Pakistan is also saying what the Congress' manifesto says.
- Both Congress and Pakistan want that our soldiers don't get the strength that they need to tackle the menace of terror. Congress and Pakistan both want that those who spread terror and want India to break, roam freely in the country. It is a shame that the Congress manifesto speaks about weakening our security establishment.