Chhattisgarh woke Tuesday to the first phase of the 2023 Assembly election and a tongue-in-cheek X post by Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel - under fire over corruption allegations linked to the Mahadev betting app row - accepting Amit Shah's invitation to a debate on his government's achievements, inviting the Union Home Minister to name the date, time and place.
"Home Minister Shri Amit Shah! I have accepted your challenge by going to the same Pandaria Assembly (seat) where you had challenged me to debate on the work (done by my government). You have not yet told the stage, date and time... but the public has prepared the stage," Mr Baghel said late last night.
"Please tell me the date and time..." the Congress leader wrote.
There was a photograph of a two-seater black sofa - with placards bearing the two leaders' names.
Amit Shah has not yet, so far, responded to the Chief Minister's post.
The Union Minister had earlier responded to the Congress' demands the BJP show "report cards" of its state governments; BJP-ruled Madhya Pradesh is also voting in this round of elections.
"How come you are seeking our report card? I challenge you... if you have courage, debate over your work in last five years... and that of (Prime Minister Narendra) Modiji in past 15 years," Mr Shah said.
The Chief Minister accepted the challenge, and said, "There should be a debate on your scandals of 15 years and our work of five years. A Chhattisgarhia is not scared... will wait for your reply".
The battle to form the next government of Chhattisgarh began this morning, with the ruling Congress widely seen as the frontrunner in the two-horse race, despite the Enforcement Directorate's (literally) last-minute allegations of corruption against Bhupesh Baghel.
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Last month's NDTV-CSDS Lokniti opinion poll said 79 per cent of the electorate is at least 'somewhat satisfied' with Mr Baghel's performance, and 39 per cent want him to return as Chief Minister.
Mr Baghel is accused of receiving Rs 508 crore from the owner of the (now illegal and shut down) Mahadev betting app. The Congress leader has denied all charges and hit out at the BJP for having "weaponised" the ED in an attempt to "tarnish" voters' perception of the party's government.
READ | "Enjoy Till Nov 17": Bhupesh Baghel's Jibe In Mahadev Betting App Row
The second phase of the 2023 Chhattisgarh Assembly election is on November 17. Results will be declared with those from four other states - Madhya Pradesh, Telangana, Rajasthan and Mizoram (which is also voting today, but in a single phase) on December 3.
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With input from agencies