This Article is From May 03, 2011

26/11 families say Osama dead, what about others?

Bangalore: K Unnikrishnan, father of NSG commando Major Sandeep who died during the 26/11 terror attack in Mumbai said that Osama's death is an achievement for only Obama and the US.

"He, as an Indian citizen, is yet to get justice and will only rest when the perpetrators of the terror attacks in India are brought to book."

"Osama's death might be a universal phenomenon, but for Indians, justice will only be served when terrorists like Maulana Masood and others who carry out terror attacks sitting in Pakistan are punished. I specifically wanted the government to punish Masood since he is one among the many who train terrorists to carry out attacks. Be it the Kandahar incident, the Mumbai serial blasts or 26/11, the perpetrators are being given sanctuary by Pakistan," he said.

"As a citizen of India and the father of Sandeep, I'll be happy only when such people and their host country, which is a specific threat to our nation, are punished accordingly," he added.
