The police have filed charges against three college students in the alleged gangrape of a Dalit teenager in Rajasthan's Jodhpur. The three men, who are from the state's Barmer, had come to Jodhpur to campaign for the students' election at their university, the chargesheet said.
The police's 414-page detailed chargesheet came within 10 days of the horrific incident.
The phone location of the three accused and CCTV footage from the cameras in the area are an important part of the evidence, the police said, adding that they will appeal to fast-track the case.
The survivor, a 17-year-old Dalit girl, had eloped with her boyfriend. She was later allegedly gang-raped by the three accused, all college students, in front of her boyfriend on the grounds of Jai Narayan Vyas University on July 16, the police said.
The accused allegedly thrashed the teen's boyfriend and took turns to rape her, the police said.
The three were arrested within hours of the incident.
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