A video of a heart-shaped sandwich loaded with chocolate has former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah's attention. The clip is from a street vendor in Gujarat's Bhavnagar.
Quote-tweeting the video, which shows how the sandwich is made, Mr Abdullah wrote, “This “sandwich” just blew my mind. Who came up with this combination and how did they find a market for it?”
The Jammu & Kashmir National Conference vice-president, who is fond of the Gujarat cuisine, added, “I love Gujarati food but I draw the line at this invention.”
The clip begins with a man using a heart-shaped mould on a slice of bread. He then puts butter and jam on the slices. Next, we see a person putting grated chocolate bars on them. Of course, the sandwich has a lot of cheese. Well, everything seemed fine till here. The next item will surely blow your mind too. The sandwich gets two layers of choco bar ice cream. Towards the end,
The text on the video reads, “Dilwala sandwich from Bhavnagar.”
People, on Twitter, are unable to digest this invention.
A person wrote, “Butter, jam and chocolate were still tolerable. But no, no ice cream and cheese and bread together. Nope.”
“Where is sev?” asked a few on the social media platform.
Some wanted to know who eats such sandwiches.
“Remember, as kids, we used to doodle around in MS Paint, using all sorts of tools and colours to create gibberish art? This is the food equivalent of that,” wrote a user.
The clip has clocked more than 478k views on the social media platform.