Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan, who has in the past ruled out the possibility of joining politics, on Sunday made it clear why. He said he is just not cut out for it. "Sometimes I feel I won't be able to do as much as a politician as I can as a creative person... My strength is I am a creative person, I am a communicator. I can touch the hearts of people," the 53-year-old actor said at NDTV Yuva, a conclave for the youth.
"Also, I am scared of politics. Who is not scared of politics? That's why I stay away from it", he added.
Aamir Khan, however, did make it clear that as citizens, we should question the government. "They are answerable to us, there is no doubt about that," he said.
The actor, while speaking on water conservation efforts in Maharashtra, also said that not dams, but decentralized watershed management was the solution to the problem. But more than that, he said, he believed people are the solution.
"Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis too admitted to me that this problem of drought and water scarcity could not be solved till it became a people's movement. That's what we set out to do," he said.
Aamir Khan had set up a non-profit company, Paani Foundation, in 2016, along with the team of his TV series Satyamev Jayate, to fight drought in rural Maharashtra. Paani Foundation conducts a competition called the 'Satyamev Jayate Water Cup', in which villages compete to win prizes for the best watershed management work.
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