The Gujarat unit of Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Monday appointed some 2,100 persons and gave them different responsibilities in the party's organisation in the state where polls are to be held later this year, the new entrants including 1,111 "social media warriors".
The social media warriors will spread the ideology of AAP across Gujarat and will be led by an in charge, co-in charge and coordinators, Manoj Sorathiya, general secretary of the state unit of the party said.
"State presidents of the party's nomadic tribes and denotified tribes (NTDNT) and cooperative wings as well as event in charge of programmes of AAP have also been appointed. We have also appointed around 2,100 associates representing different regions for various responsibilities," he said.
He informed that Dakshin Bajrangi has been made state president of its NTDNT wing, while Arvind Gamit, a leader of the dairy cooperative sector from south Gujarat, will head the party's cooperative wing, he added.
"Our partner Bhavesh Patel has been given the responsibility of event in charge for all AAP programmes in the coming days. Stand-up comedian Dharshi Beradiya, who joined the party last month, has been appointed joint secretary of organisation of AAP. Social worker Swejal Vyas will be youth president for Vadodara city," he informed.
Speaking on appointments in the social media warrior set-up, Mr Sorathiya said Safin Hasan will be state in charge, Divyesh Hirpara will be state social media coordinator and Anil Patel will be co-in charge.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)
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