Samajwadi Party MP Jaya Bachchan lost her cool in Rajya Sabha Monday after a personal remark by a member while she was participating in a discussion on the bill on narcotic drugs. She did not pull any punches -- most of which were directed at the treasury benches -- and even accused the chair of not listening to the opposition or "protecting" the opposition members.
"We want justice. We don't expect justice from there (treasury benches) but can we expect it from you? How are you protecting the members of this house or the 12 members sitting outside? How are you protecting them?" Ms Bachchan said, addressing the Chair, presided over by Bhuwaneswar Kalitha.
When the chairman pointed out that she was not speaking on the narcotic bill and it looked like "you are not interested in the bill", Ms Bachchan said, "It is my turn to speak. We have given three to four hours to discuss a clerical error".
As members from around loudly protested, then actor-turned politician exploded, targeting the treasury benches. "What is going on? This is terrible... Aap logon ke bure din aayenge, (Your bad days will come)".
When BJP MP Rakesh Sinha raised the point of order, accusing her of targeting the Chair, a verbal spat started. Ms Bachchan demanded that the Chair take action against the member, accusing them of making "personal remarks" against her.
The Chair, however, announced that the remarks which were not suitable would be expunged from the record.
"If you have the intention to fight, this is not the house. I'm very sorry. I'm calling the next speaker," Mr Kalitha said.
"How can they make personal remarks in the house? This is so sad that you people don't have enough sense or honour for the colleagues sitting outside? "Aap logon ke bure din bohot jald aayenge, I curse you.
As the situation almost spun out of control, Mr Kalitha adjourned the House till 5 pm.
Ms Bachchan later said, "I don't want to make any personal comment on anyone. What happened was very unfortunate and they should not have spoken the way they did".
Jugal Lokhandwala, one of the treasury bench MPs who apparently made the "personal remark"that infuriated Ms Bachchan, told NDTV that he had meant the whole opposition when he said "you will not do drama".
"Later, I was told that Jaya Bachchan is angry in the House. I didn't make personal remarks against anyone... I said this looking at the whole opposition... the opposition is furious," he added.
Ms Bachchan's daughter-in-law, actor Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, was questioned for five hours by the Enforcement Directorate today in connection with alleged forex violations linked to the 'Panama Papers'. Sources said there are allegations that she stashed her money in a company based in the British Virgin Islands.
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