Actor Arun Govil, who became popular in the eighties for playing Ram in Ramanand Sagar's television serial Ramayan, recently bought a Mercedes-Benz car. He shared the news on Twitter by posting a short video on his official handle, showing the luxury car.
The 15-second video begins with Mr Govil and his wife, Sreelekha Govil, unveiling the car by lifting its cover. They are then handed over the keys. In the showroom, we can also see a photo of Mr Govil from his Ramayan days, where he is dressed as Lord Ram.
He captioned the post, “By the grace of the Lord, a new vehicle has arrived in the family.”
At the time of writing, the video had been viewed over 854.5K times. Along with congratulating Mr Govil, many of his fans also posted funny comments.
One user congratulated Mr Govil in Hindi on the purchase of a new vehicle and added that with God's blessings the new vehicle would be free of defects.
A fan asked him how come he chose a “Made in Germany” vehicle instead of “Pushpak Vimana” (flying chariot described in mythological texts).
Along similar lines, another user asked Mr Govil what was the need to buy a car when he could easily get Pushpak Vimana from heaven.
Another user congratulated him and added that if he had the car in Treta Yuga, he wouldn't have had to wander through the jungles to reach Sri Lanka. According to Hindu philosophy, Treta Yuga is one of the four distinct ages or yugas of mankind.
One more fan was curious how a “vanvasi” or forest dweller could afford to run the automobile on Diesel.
When Ramanand Sagar's Ramayan first aired in the 1980s, it was a huge hit. Apart from Arun Govil, Sunil Lahiri, who portrayed Laxman, and Deepika Chikhaliya, who played Sita, too, gained instant recognition. People even used to worship the actors. Ramayan was again re-telecast during the first COVID-19 lockdown in 2020.