Bollywood actor Nora Fatehi was questioned by the Delhi Police for about four hours on Friday in connection with a Rs 200 crore extortion case linked to jailed conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar. Ms Fatehi was questioned by the Economic Offences Wing of the Delhi Police.
The Enforcement Directorate had earlier questioned Sukesh Chandasekhar and Ms Fatehi together on suspicion of money laundering. This inquiry is also part of ED's charge sheet in the money trail of the extortion case.
"Sukesh Chandrasekhar case has given gifts and other items to many Bollywood actresses. We are investigating the matter. That's why Nora Fatehi was called for questioning. Whether she is an accused or a witness will be decided after investigation. Names of two-three more Bollywood actresses have come up. We will also interrogate Jacqueline Fernandez," Ravindra Singh Yadav, Special Commissioner of Police, Crime, Delhi Police, told NDTV.
When questioned by the probe agency, Ms Fatehi had denied speaking to the conman before December 12, 2020 whereas Sukesh claimed he had spoken to her two weeks prior to that after an event.
On the luxury BMW car allegedly gifted to her, Ms Fatehi claimed she said "ok" when initially offered the car by Sukesh, but later said she didn't need it. "So I informed Bobby about this, Bobby had spoken to Sukesh in this regard. I told Bobby to take the car if he is getting this chance". Bobby Khan is a family friend of the Bollywood actor. The conman countered this as well, saying he gifted the car directly to Ms Fatehi and the family friend had nothing to do with it.
The probe agency had also asked if there was an exchange of expensive gifts like luxury bags between them. Ms Fatehi said it never happened, claiming that she was publicly gifted a Gucci bag and an Iphone 12 at an event where she was the chief guest.
Sukesh Chandrashekhar, however, said that he had gifted four bags to the Bollywood actor -- which she had selected herself -- along with some money. The bags were picked up by Ms Fatehi's staff at a Mumbai mall, he claimed.
Sukesh Chandrashekhar allegedly extorted around Rs 215 crores from Aditi Singh and Shivender Singh -- former promoters of pharmaceutical giant Ranbaxy.
A Delhi Court had sent Sukesh Chandrasekhar and his wife Leena Maria Paul to three days ED remand in connection with the Rs 200 crore extortion case. They were arrested under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) for running an extortion racket from a Delhi jail.
Nora Fatehi had earlier said that Leena Maria Paul had called her and put the phone on the speaker, where Sukesh thanked her and said that they were her fans. She then announced that they were going to gift her a brand-new BMW car as a token of love and generosity.
Ms Fatehi's statements were recorded under section 50 of Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 twice in 2021 where she stated that she got a booking for a charity event and during the event, she was gifted a Gucci bag and one iPhone by Sukesh's wife.