Film actor Pooja Bedi on Monday said her e-commerce website registered in Goa had been hacked by some people who threatened to sell drugs on the site if she did not pay them ransom.
In a series of tweets, Ms Bedi said she had filed a complaint with Goa police's Cyber Crime Cell last week after an earlier hacking incident but the modus operandi was repeated late Sunday night.
"Dear @DGP_Goa my ecommerce website HACKED AGAIN last night and this time they state if I dont pay ransom they will sell DRUGS on my website. I have registered FIR in old goa police cyber cell last week but no action from cops. My company regd in Goa @goacm."
Dear @DGP_Goa my ecommerce website HACKED AGAIN last night & this time they state if i don't pay ransom they will sell DRUGS on my website. I have registered FIR in old goa police cyber cell last week but no action from cops.
- Pooja Bedi (@poojabeditweets) October 5, 2020
My company regd in Goa @goacm
Superintendent of Police (Crime) Shobhit Saxena said the hacking incident of last week was solved and a fresh probe had begun after Bedi filed a new complaint.
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