Actor Vijay Deverakonda was questioned by the Enforcement Directorate for 12 hours today over the source of investment for his film, Liger, people familiar with the matter said.
"By getting popularity, there will be few troubles and side effects. It is an experience, it's life. I did my duty when I was called, I came and answered the questions. They did not call me again," said Mr Deverakonda after the questioning which started at 8.30 am ended.
Liger was the Telugu actor's Hindi debut. It was made reportedly with a budget of some Rs 100 crore. The film, which also stars American boxing legend, Mike Tyson, did not do well and the consensus among critics gave it a flop status.
Liger producer Charmme Kaur was also questioned by the Enforcement Directorate on November 17 over alleged violation of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, or FEMA, which looks at cross-border transactions.
Mr Deverakonda debuted with the 2011 Telugu film 'Nuvvila' and shot to fame with the 2017 blockbuster 'Arjun Reddy'.