A 10-year-old girl in Uttar Pradesh's Lakhimpur Kheri, a student of class 5, lives with her elderly grandparents after her mother died and her father married someone else. Lovely suffers from physical disabilities and the story of the hardships she faces was shared on the social media platform X.
Adani Group Founder and Chairman, Gautam Adani, has announced that the Adani Foundation, the community engagement arm of the Adani Group, will support the girl and provide her with better treatment.
Mr Adani reacted to the social media post and praised the efforts her grandparents are making toward her education and said, "It is sad that a daughter's childhood is taken away like this. The struggle of Lovely and her grandparents at such a young age shows that a typical Indian family never gives up."
"The Adani Foundation This will ensure that Lovely gets better treatment and can progress like other children. We all are with Lovely," Mr Adani added.
Lovely lives with her grandparents in the Kandharapur village of Lakhimpur Kheri in Uttar Pradesh. The girl's grandfather became emotional after the Adani Foundation announced their support. Speaking to NDTV, Mr Prakash said, "Till now Lovely was worried about her future, she always asked Baba for how long can I go to school and study, but now after this help, there will be a better tomorrow. Hope has arisen."
Since 1996, the Adani Foundation, the community engagement arm of the Adani Group, has remained deeply committed to making strategic social investments for sustainable outcomes throughout India.
The Foundation has been active in the core areas of education, health, sustainable livelihood, skill development and community infrastructure. Its strategies are rooted in national priorities and global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
It makes strategic social investments to achieve sustainable outcomes across India. The foundation operates in 5,753 villages across 19 states.
(Disclaimer: New Delhi Television is a subsidiary of AMG Media Networks Limited, an Adani Group Company.)