This Article is From Sep 07, 2011

Admit there are weaknesses in system: PM on Delhi blast

New Delhi: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Wednesday said there were "some leads" to the Delhi High Court blast but it was too early to say which group was behind the bombing.

There were "weaknesses" in the security system that needed to be plugged, he said while speaking to reporters on board his special aircraft while returning home after a two-day visit to Dhaka.

He said: "Several mechanisms were put in place after the Mumbai blasts... there are weaknesses in our system, we must work hard to plug the weaknesses."

He added that he was confident that India would win the war against terror.

"I am confident that this is a war we will and we must win," said Manmohan Singh in reply to a query on the blast in which 11 people were killed.

"Instead of wasting time in mutual recrimination, all political parties must pool their wisdom" on the issue, he said.

The Prime Minister said that he couldn't say with certainty who was behind the Delhi blast and that he has spoken to Home Minister P. Chidambaram about it.