This Article is From Jan 30, 2012

Adnan Patrawala murder: Verdict likely today

Mumbai: The Mumbai Sessions court is likely to pronounce its order in the Adnan Patrawala murder case today. In 2007, 16-year-old Adnan was killed by five young men, who had befriended him through social networking site Orkut.

They kidnapped Adnan and demanded a ransom of Rs 2 crore from his parents. However, they panicked and strangled Adnan when they learnt that news of the kidnapping was being broadcast on national television.

They dumped Adnan's body in marshes at Navi Mumbai.

The men had confessed to strangling Adnan. The police suspected that they kidnapped Adnan to sustain their expensive lifestyles.

The prosecution has examined nearly 25 witnesses to prove their case against the accused. In the absence of any eyewitnesses, the prosecution has relied on circumstantial evidence.

The Sessions court is trying four of the friends - Sujit Nair, Ayush Bhat, Rajeev Dharaiya and Amit Kausha - all currently aged between 25 and 31. The fifth friend, being a juvenile, was tried by the Juvenile Justice Board.
