Senior BJP leader Lal Krishna Advani, whose rath yatras in the past had propelled his party to political ascendancy, on Sunday said he has decided to tour the entire country in the next few months in an attempt to rejuvenate the party.
"In order to let party cadre know both the opportunities and the tasks before us, I have decided to tour the entire country in the months to come," Advani said at the concluding session of the BJP National Executive meeting in New Delhi.
The BJP leader said he would visit all the states and more than one place in some of the bigger states.
Advani rode to fame through his rath yatras, the most famous being Ram Rath Yatra in 1990 from Somnath to Ayodhya, which was cut short after his arrest in Samastipur.
He embarked on another yatra in 1997 to commemorate the golden jubilee of Independence and another one in 2004 as part of the then ruling-NDA's election campaign.
Advani also crisscrossed the country to campaign for the recent elections in which BJP failed in the attempt to come to power.