The Mumbai police have reunited a 29-year-old woman with her family in Kolkata, two months after she came here aspiring for a bright career, but ended up spending days on streets as she had no money, an official said on Monday.
A few days back, the Sahar police in Mumbai got a call from a person saying a woman near the airport was in need of help.
The police went to spot and enquired with the woman, who identified herself as Leena Mukherjee.
She told the police that she had worked with an insurance company in Kolkata, West Bengal. She came here in search of a better job, but failed to get it, Sahar police station's assistant inspector Kiran Kale said.
She had brought some money from home, but it got exhausted, hence she had been sleeping on streets and other places in Mumbai, he said.
The woman also told the police that she had lost her mobile phone and was not able to contact her family members in Kolkata, he said.
The Sahar police later got in touch with officials at the Garden Reach police station in Kolkata, under whose jurisdiction the woman used to reside, and asked them to contact her family members.
The woman's family members identified her, the official said, adding that her father is bed-ridden and the family is financially weak.
"We kept her at the women staffers' room in Sahar police station. The police provided her food, a train ticket and money for travelling back to her home," the official said.
The woman boarded a train from the Lokmanya Tilak Terminus here on Saturday and later reached her home at Shalimar in Kolkata, he said.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)