The Tamil Nadu State Election Commission on Sunday ordered repolling on February 21 in 7 polling stations falling under Chennai and 3 other districts.
In Chennai Corporation area, the repolling would be in a booth (Washermenpet) under Ward 51 and another polling station (Odaikuppam-Besant Nagar) in Ward 179.
Two polling stations each in Jayamkondam and Tiruvannamalai municipalities and a booth in Tirumangalam muncipality would again go for the polls, a TNSEC release said.
The main opposition AIADMK, in a complaint on Sunday to the TNSEC, had alleged violence by DMK and demanded repolling in some of the wards.
The repolling in the 7 polling stations would be from 7 AM to 6 PM on February 21. Urban civic polls were held on February 19 in Tamil Nadu.