A senior BJP leader, Anil Parihar and his brother, were shot dead last night in Jammu and Kashmir's Kishtwar district. The incident forced the administration to impose a curfew in the area. The Army has also been deployed. Following outrage over the incident, people staged protests in the area, known to be communally-sensitive. The BJP state secretary and his brother were shot dead by two men while they were returning home from their shop, according to officials. The attackers were apparently waiting for the brothers to return home and used pistols to target them, officials told news agency IANS. The incident was widely condemned on social media, garnering reactions from several political leaders.
Here are the updates in the Kishtwar incident:
As a nation we must stand in unity against all forms of violence. Today our thoughts & prayers are with the family of Shri Anil Parihar & his brother Ajit. https://t.co/HIuu8eF9Ou
- Congress (@INCIndia) November 2, 2018