This Article is From Oct 25, 2013

After Rahul Gandhi blames it for riots, BJP complains to Election Commission

After Rahul Gandhi blames it for riots, BJP complains to Election Commission

Rahul Gandhi in Muzaffarnagar on September 16

New Delhi: The BJP formally complained to the Election Commission about Rahul Gandhi's recent remarks blaming the party for the communal riots in Muzaffarnagar in September, in which nearly 50 people were killed in Western Uttar Pradesh.

In rallies in states like Rajasthan that are headed for elections, the Vice-President of the Congress has accused the BJP of practicing "the politics of hatred" and of instigating communal riots in places like Muzaffarnagar.

"BJP felt that unless there is a Hindu versus Muslim situation in Uttar Pradesh, they would not do well. So, they set this fire," Mr Gandhi alleged, adding that it was the Congress which had "doused the fire".

The BJP says that Mr Gandhi's remarks violate the model code of conduct for elections.

"The happenings in Muzaffarnagar are still being investigated. He is blaming the BJP without an iota of proof," the BJP said in its letter to the Election Commission. (Read letter)

Mr Gandhi has also commissioned a huge new controversy by stating yesterday at an election rally in Indore that an Intelligence officer told him that Pakistani agencies looking for  have contacted a group of young Muslims whose family members were killed in the Muzaffarnagar violence. (Read)

Leaders of Muslim groups and the BJP have said his remarks question the patriotism of Muslims.

"Rahul Gandhi has tried to point the needle of suspicion at Muslims by his remarks," said BJP spokesperson Shahnawaaz Husain.  
