This Article is From Sep 29, 2019

Mann Ki Baat: PM Modi Urges People To Quit Tobacco, Says Let Us Build Healthy India

Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacted with the nation in his his monthly radio-broadcast Mann Ki Baat.

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PM Modi addresses Mann ki Baat


After returning from a week-long US visit, Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacted with the nation in his his monthly radio-broadcast Mann Ki Baat. PM Narendra Modi wished singer Lata Mangeshkar on her 90th birthday. PM Narendra Modi has spoken about several key issues, including education of girls, exam stress, pollution and drug abuse in his previous broadcasts.

Here are the highlights of PM Modi's Mann Ki Baat:

  • My dear countrymen, Namaskar ! Friends, in today's episode of #MannKiBaat, I shall also talk about a great personality of the country, cherished by all Indians with respect and affection from the core of their hearts.
  • There must be hardly an Indian citizen who does not show deep regard for her, does not revere her. She is elder to most of us and has been witness to myriad phases, different eras the country has passed through. We address her as "DIDI"...Lata Didi. She turns 90 today.
  • Before leaving on the foreign tour, I was blessed with an opportunity to converse with her on the phone. 
  • My dear countrymen, with the advent of Navaratri today, the air is bound to be full of new hopes, new energy, newer zest and newer resolves, once again. After all, it's the festival season. 
  • During festivals, families come together. Homes will be filled with joy! But... you must have felt this... there are many people around us who remain deprived of these celebrations. 
  • And this is what is termed as "Chiragh Tale Andhera", darkness just beneath the lamp! Perhaps this adage is not just a set of words; for us, it is an order a philosophical thought, or an inspiration. Just think about it.
  • The true joy radiating out of festivals is only when the darkness subsides and dissipates and a radiant glow emerges. Let us distribute joy, where there is a paucity of it... let it come naturally to us. 
  • On the one hand, when we experience the 'Delivery In' of sweetmeats, apparel, gifts and so on, let us think for a moment on the process of 'Delivery Out'. At least in our homes, items that are in excess and thus, not required anymore, could be allocated for 'Delivery Out'.
  • The smiles thus accrued on the faces of numerous under privileged families will more than double your joy during festivals... your faces will be lit up with a glow that will brighten your #Diwali immensely.
  • My dear brothers and sisters, #Laxmi, the goddess of wealth, makes an entry into each and every household in the form of fortune and prosperity. 
  • There must be numerous daughters amongst us who, through there perseverance, diligence and talent have brought glory to their families, society and the country. This Diwali, can we arrange programmes to honor the Laxmi of India? #PMonAIR #MannKiBaat
  • We could do something more; we could highlight the achievements of these daughters by sharing their achievements on social media, using the hashtag #BHARATKILAXMI. The way we jointly ran a mega campaign “#Selfiwithdaughter”, which spread globally.
  • This time, let us do a campaign #BHARATKILAXMI. Encouraging the Laxmi of Bharat amounts to strengthening the paths of prosperity for the country and her citizens. #PMonAIR #MannKiBaat
  • My young student friends, first of all, I thank you for writing to me. Thank you for reading #ExamWarriors more than twice and special thanks for pointing out shortcomings in the book. #PMonAIR #MannKiBaat
  • I urge all of you… can you be of help to me? It is about experiences in your daily lives. I call upon all students, teachers and parents to come up with your experiences and suggestions on aspects of stress free exams. #PMonAIR #MannKiBaat
  • I shall duly go through them, study them. I'll give it due thought and whatever comes across as apt, I shall try and incorporate that in my own words. Quite possibly, if suggestions are sufficiently large in number, it will lend certitude to the idea of a new edition. #PMonAIR
  • Everyone knows that. #Tobacco intoxication occurs due to the nicotine present in it. Brain development is hampered by its consumption during adolescence. But, today, I want to have a discourse with you on a new topic. 
  • We all know that addiction to, #tobacco is very harmful for health and it becomes very difficult to quit this addiction. People who consume tobacco are vulnerable to high risk diseases like cancer, diabetes, blood pressure etc. 
  • These are moments that go way beyond winning and losing, where victory and defeat cease to be. It is life that is victory. This has been beautifully articulated in our scriptures. The wisdom of our ancestors is truly praiseworthy. Our ancient texts observe:
  • If you haven't heard Medvedev's speech yet, I shall urge you, especially young friends to watch this video. It holds much for people across the age and class spectra to see and learn.
  • Hence I too heard the speech and watched the match. Sheer simplicity and maturity displayed by Medvedev touched everyone. It surely stirred me. He won hearts with humility and simplicity; epitome of spirit of sportsmanship in truest sense that he is, in letter & spirit.
  • I urge all of you to quit the addiction to tobacco and do not harbour any misconceptions about e-cigarettes. Come, let us all build a healthy India. 
  • There is no awareness! There is no knowledge that once the teenagers or our youth get caught in its clutches, then, slowly, they become hooked and fall prey to this noxious addiction.  #PMonAIR #MannKiBaat
  • Kids at times pretending to be showing some magical trick, blow smoke in the presence of Peer Company or their parents, without lighting #cigarette or striking a match to light it! And as if a magic show is going on, the family members respond with applause! #PMonAIR #MannKiBaat
  • In view of the kind of lead that India has taken towards environmental protection, today entire world are looking towards India as a model example. I am confident that you will all be a part of campaign for liberation from menace of #SingleUsePlastic on Oct 2.#PMonAIR #MannKiBaat
  • It is a matter of pride not only for India but for the entire world today, while we are celebrating ‘#Gandhi150', our 130 crore countrymen have pledged to be rid from the menace of #SingleUsePlastic. #PMonAIR #MannKiBaat
  • I pay heart felt tributes to Sister #MariamThresia and congratulate the citizens of India, and especially our Christian brothers and sisters, for this achievement.
  • It is a matter of pride for every Indian that, on the coming 13th October, His Holiness #PopeFrancis will declare Sister #MariamThresia a saint. 
  • Do you still remember Fit India? Fit India does not mean that if we go to the gym for two hours every morning and evening, it will suffice! All these addictions have to be avoided to be a part of #FitIndia. I am sure you happily accept my counsel. #PMonAIR #MannKiBaat 
  • Ripudaman Belviji is making unique effort by attempting plogging! When I 1st encountered the term #Plogging, it was novel even to me. Perhaps this word is in usage in certain measure in foreign lands. But, in India, Ripudaman has promoted it to great extent. #PMonAIR #MannKiBaat 
  • In view of the kind of lead that India has taken towards environmental protection, today entire world are looking towards India as a model example. I am confident that you will all be a part of campaign for liberation from menace of #SingleUsePlastic on Oct 2.#PMonAIR #MannKiBaat