This Article is From Sep 09, 2011

Afzal Guru denies link to Delhi blast

New Delhi: Parliament attack convict Afzal Guru onFriday denied any link to the Delhi High Court bombing saying his name was "unnecessarily" dragged into the "cowardly act" which "must be condemned by all".

"I am disturbed that my name has been unnecessarily dragged in this connection. Some agencies/groups are playing dirty game by falsely involving my name," Guru, whose clemency plea is with the President, said in a statement.

An email attributed to the Pakistan-based Harkat-ul-Jehadi Islami (HuJI) had owned up Wednesday's deadly bombing that killed 13 people outside the court complex in Delhi.

The message traced to an Internet cafe in Jammu and Kashmir's Kishtwar district had threatened to carry out more such attacks if the death penalty to Guru was not immediately repealed.

However, Guru said he had nothing to do with the blast.

"This is not for the first time that my name has been dragged by some mischievous persons/groups for such heinous crimes. It has become a routine that whenever such blasts take place my name is sought to be dragged in order to de-characterize and malign me to cultivate public opinion against me."

In the statement circulated to the media by his counsel ND Panchi, Guru said: "It is a serious matter of concern that some criminal elements and anti-social persons committed that heinous and barbarous crime of bomb blast in the Delhi High Court. It is a cowardly act and must be condemned by all. No religion permits killing of innocent persons."
