Kannada actor Suraj Kumar's right leg had to be amputated after he met with a major accident on Saturday ahead of his movie debut. On Saturday, Suraj Kumar's two-wheeler collided with a tipper lorry. He was rushed to a hospital, where doctors had to amputate his leg below the knee.
The 24-year-old actor, who is the son of film producer S A Srinivas, had previously served as an assistant director in movies like Airavatha and Tharak.
As per reports, the actor was working on a film named Ratham alongside Malayali actress Priya Prakash Varrier.
The accident reportedly took place when Suraj Kumar – who is also known as Dhruvan – was travelling between Mysuru and Ooty. The actor lost control over his bike while attempting to overtake a tractor and drove into a tipper, as per a report by News 18. He was taken to Manipal Hospital in Mysuru where his leg had to be amputated below the knee.
The Indian Express quoted a police officer as saying, “Suraj was returning from Ooty on his bike. His right leg came under the wheels of a tipper lorry and was totally crushed. He was shifted to a private hospital in Mysuru where he is presently being treated.”
Kannada superstar Shiva Rajkumar – son of legendary Kannada superstar Dr Rajkumar – and his wife Geetha were among those who visited the actor at the hospital. The Rajkumar family and Suraj are related as the budding actor is Dr Rajkumar's wife Parvathamma's nephew.
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