The Union Council of Ministers met today at the Bharatiya Janata Party's headquarters in New Delhi. The meeting was attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and BJP president Amit Shah. The BJP described the 'Aabhar Milan' meeting as an occasion to thank ministers for "their service to the nation" ahead of the counting of votes for the Lok Sabha election on May 23, following which a new government will assume charge. The meeting came ahead of a dinner party being hosted by Mr Shah in Delhi, which was also expected to double up as a strategy session - even though Sunday's exit polls predicted a comfortable victory for the BJP. Twelve of 14 exit polls predicted that the NDA will get full majority with seats ranging from 282 to 365. An aggregate of exit polls predicted the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) will win 302 seats and the Congress and its allies 122. A party or an alliance needs 271 seats to form the government, as the elections were held on 542 of the 543 Lok Sabha seats.
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Here are the highlights from the meeting of Union Council of Ministers at the BJP office in Delhi:
"The Prime Minister says that the NDA has become an organic entity. NDA has now become a strong pillar for completing regional aspirations": Union Minister Rajnath Singh
- NDTV (@ndtv) 21 May 2019
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