National carrier Air India on Friday said it will lower the free baggage allowance (FBA) by five kg on economy class of all its domestic flights from May 13 and will impose a flat rate of Rs.250 per kg for baggage over the FBA.
"Free baggage allowance for travel in the top four fare levels of economy class will be 20 kg and for all other fare levels it will be 15 kg," the airline formally announced in a statement. There were speculations that the airline will go ahead and reduce its FBA.
However, business class passenger's FBA remains unchanged at 35 kg.
Air India's decision follows Jet Airways announcement on Thursday that it will lower the FBA from 20 to 15 kg on economy class of all its domestic flights from May 15, while cabin baggage will be restricted to seven kg.
Jet Airways will also impose a flat rate of Rs.250 per kilo on baggage over and above the FBA.
However, members of the airlines loyalty programme can continue to avail additional free baggage allowance as per their membership status.
The airline's decision also follows a directive by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) which allowed airlines to charge extra fees for "unbundled services" like check-in baggage, preferential seats, meals, snacks or drink which does not includes drinking water and specialised equipment used in sports or music on domestic flights.
"Free baggage allowance for travel in the top four fare levels of economy class will be 20 kg and for all other fare levels it will be 15 kg," the airline formally announced in a statement. There were speculations that the airline will go ahead and reduce its FBA.
However, business class passenger's FBA remains unchanged at 35 kg.
Air India's decision follows Jet Airways announcement on Thursday that it will lower the FBA from 20 to 15 kg on economy class of all its domestic flights from May 15, while cabin baggage will be restricted to seven kg.
Jet Airways will also impose a flat rate of Rs.250 per kilo on baggage over and above the FBA.
However, members of the airlines loyalty programme can continue to avail additional free baggage allowance as per their membership status.
The airline's decision also follows a directive by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) which allowed airlines to charge extra fees for "unbundled services" like check-in baggage, preferential seats, meals, snacks or drink which does not includes drinking water and specialised equipment used in sports or music on domestic flights.
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