Starting today, AirAsia India will fly passengers to seven cities across India with a promotional base fare of Rs 99 upwards, the low-cost airlines announced. The seven cities where the discounts apply will be Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Kochi, Kolkata, New Delhi, Pune and Ranchi. The booking offer is valid for a week starting today to January 21 and the passengers can avail the offer for a travel period of January 15 to July 31, the airlines said in a statement. The low-cost fare offer is on all flights of the group network, including AirAsia India, AirAsia Berhad, Thai AirAsia, AirAsia X and Indonesia AirAsia X.
During the same time period, AirAsia, the parent firm, will also fly passengers at Rs 1,499 base fare from Indian cities to 10 countries in the Asia-Pacific region. These 10 countries include Auckland, Bali, Bangkok, Kuala Lampur, Melbourne, Singapore and Sydney.
The discounted booking can be made through and AirAsia mobile app.
AirAsia commenced operations in India in 2014 and currently flies between 16 major cities in India which includes Visakhapatnam, Chandigarh, Delhi, Goa, Srinagar, Ranchi, Bengaluru, Kochi, Pune, Imphal, Bhubaneswar, Jaipur, Chennai, Hyderabad and Kolkata.
In the $30 million joint venture, Tata Sons Ltd has 51 per cent equity stake and Air Asia Investment Ltd of Malaysia holds the balance 49 per cent.
The AirAsia offer comes after GoAir announced flight tickets starting from Rs 1,157 last week. The lowest fare of GoAir's flight tickets offer is available on Jammu to Leh route for Rs 1,157. The booking and travel period for the offer ends on January 22, 2018, said GoAir. An additional 10 per cent off can be availed using the GoAir app using the code 'GOAPP10.'
(With inputs from IANS)
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