It was a starry night in Mumbai with yet another big fat Indian wedding. Akash Ambani and Shloka Mehta married at a hotel in Mumbai. The dinner was hosted at the Jio World Centre in Bandra Kurla Complex. Akash is the son of Reliance Industries Chairman and Managing Director Mukesh Ambani and Nita Ambani, while Shloka is the daughter of diamond magnate Russel Mehta and Mona.
There was huge interest in the wedding, especially after the scale at which Mukesh Ambani's daughter Isha got married last year.
Bollywood celebrities including Aamir Khan and his wife, actor Jackie Shroff and Manish Malhotra, as well as international dignitaries like former UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and his wife Yoo Soon-taek and former British PM Tony Blair and his wife Cherie Blair attended the wedding festivities.
Here are the Highlights from Akash Ambani and Shloka Mehta's wedding:
Watch | Mukesh Ambani and family pose for the cameras before son Akash Ambani's wedding to diamond magnate Russel Mehta's daughter Shloka Mehta
- NDTV (@ndtv) March 9, 2019
Track updates:
Watch | Scenes from the Ambani-Mehta wedding in Mumbai today; Bollywood actor @aamir_khan, wife Kiran Rao, fashion designer @ManishMalhotra and musicians @VishalDadlani and @ShekharRavjiani in attendance
- NDTV (@ndtv) March 9, 2019
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