Akash Ambani, the eldest son of billionaire Mukesh Ambani and Nita Ambani, and Shloka Mehta, the youngest daughter of diamond magnate Russel Mehta and Mona Mehta, got engaged on Saturday at a plush resort in Goa. Their engagement is being seen as coming together of two of India's largest business families. A day later, the duo was spotted at Mumbai's Siddhivinayak temple along with the Ambani family. The wedding bells for the couple are likely to ring in December. The celebrations are expected to spread across 4-5 days, with possible dates being December 8-12 and the wedding could take place at the Oberoi in Mumbai, news agency PTI reported.
A star-studded post-engagement party was held at the Ambani residence Antilla on Monday evening which was attended by Shah Rukh Khan, Karan Johar, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Katrina Kaif, Karan Johar, John Abraham and Rajkumar Hirani among others. Cricketers Zaheer Khan, Harbhajan Singh were also present the event.
The Ambanis and Mehtas know each other for many years. Akash Ambani serves on the board of Reliance Jio, the group's fast growing telecom venture, and Shloka Mehta is the director on Rosy Blue Foundation, a position she holds since July 2014. She is also the co-founder of ConnectFor, a platform which matches volunteers with NGOs that need them.
The two have reportedly studied together at Mumbai's Dhirubhai Ambani International School (DAIS) in Mumbai and have been close friends for years.
27-year-old Akash Ambani is the elder of the three siblings. He has a twin sister Isha Ambani and a younger brother Anant Ambani. Shloka Mehta has two sisters and the family lives in south Mumbai.
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