The Delhi High Court Wednesday directed the Centre and Delhi Police to assess the threat perception to Akhil Bharat Mahasabha chief Swami Chakrapani, who claimed threat to his life from underworld don Dawood Ibrahim.
Justice Rekha Palli issued notice to the Ministry of Home Affairs and Delhi Police and their counsel sought time to file replies on Chakrapani's petition.
The court listed the matter for further hearing on October 5.
Senior advocate Vikas Singh, appearing for Chakrapani, sought direction to the authorities to restore the full ‘Z' security cover given to him as his security has been reduced to ‘X' category, that is, only one PSO.
“This level of security provided to me (Chakrapani) is absolutely inadequate, I have grave threat to my life,” his counsel argued.
He said besides Dawood Ibrahim, he was also facing threat from Chota Shakeel and his henchmen and other anti-social elements.
While the ministry was represented through central government standing counsel Ajay Digpaul, Delhi Police was represented by additional standing counsel Anuj Aggarwal.
Digpaul submitted that security is provided to a person based on an assessment carried out by the police.
Petitioner Swami Chakrapani, National President of the Sant Mahasabha and Akhil Bharat Mahasabha, contended that his security was reduced from Z category to X category on September 23, 2021 without giving prior intimation and assigning any reasons.
The petition, through advocate Rajesh Raina, said the security cover was downgraded in an arbitrary and unjust manner leaving the life, limb and property of the petitioner in danger.
The petitioner claimed that on September 4 this year, he was threatened to be eliminated and the authorities have failed to maintain the ‘Z' security cover even after receiving the representation on September 4 from him, intimating them of the threats received.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)